Applications Advantages of Natamycin
Published:2012-11-14 11:13:56    Text Size:【BIG】【MEDIUM】【SMALL
Natamycin has so many advantages such as: Effectively inhibits yeast and mold, Non-toxic, Odorless, Neutral flavor impact, Extends the shelf life of foods, Replaces traditional chemical preservatives, Does not affect useful bacteria, Cost efficiency due to little dosage but stronger effect.
Natamycin can be added directly to foods by mixing, dipping or spraying. Depending on the application, the amount of natamycin needed varies. To prevent growth of all known food spoilage yeasts and moulds, up to 0.01g/L or 0.04 g/gallon is sufficient.
Surface Spraying: Block cheese and shredded cheese, Salami and other sausages.
Direct Addition/Mixing: Yogurt, Sour Cream, Cream cheese and Cottage cheese, Fruit juice and Fruit preparations.
Natamycin also can be applied to grain, silage storage preservation and fruit storage area, it can kill over one hundred kinds the mold may contaminate the grain and feed.
Natamycin is nontoxic to human bodies, and no any carcinogenesis, mutagenesis or hypersensitivity reaction (HSR) was observed after its use. No normal reistance of moulds and yeasts to natamycin was observed.
ADI 0~0.3mg/kg (FAO/WHO, 1994)
Safe to apply on food (FDA, 172.155, 1994)
LD50 2.73g/kg (experiment with matured male mouse)
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